Transport Statements
Whatever development you are proposing That Consultancy can provide all the highway and transport information needed to support your planning application.
We have a successful track record producing transport reports in support of development proposals that goes back over 20 years.

Eagle Works, Wolverhampton Redevelopment of Industrial Site to create 48 apartments
Services: Transport Statement
What is a Transport Statement?
A Transport Statement is a simple Transport Assessment.
They are normally prepared for small developments where the transport impacts of the proposed development are expected to be limited.
A Transport Statement would normally seek to demonstrate that:
the proposed site access is satisfactory.
parking and servicing will meet the needs of the development.
the site location is suitable for the type of development proposed.
there will be no highway safety problem because of the proposed development.
the development will not have a “severe” impact on the local highway network.
A Transport Statement would not normally include any detailed technical analysis, nor complex highway design solutions.
How much does a Transport Statement cost?
The cost of a Transport Statement varies depending upon the scope, and complexity, of the issues to be covered.
THaT Consultancy always aim to ensure that the scope of the Transport Statement is the minimum necessary to satisfy the local authority’s requirements.
Our fees for producing a Transport Statement start at £1500 plus VAT.
Our fees are agreed with the Client before we start work. We give realistic fee proposals at the onset and stick to them.

Redevelopment of Mixed-Use Terrace to create
Boutique hotel, Camden
Services: Transport Statement, Construction Management Plan
How long does it take to prepare a Transport Statement?
It typically takes 2-3 weeks from instruction for us to produce the high quality reports that get the results that our Clients want.
Want to know more?
All our Clients, and their professional advisers, benefit from our personal, bespoke, service.
If you require expert transport, highways and traffic input on a project then please contact us to discuss how we can help you.