Travel Plans
THaT Consultancy has a successful track record producing travel plans for existing and proposed developments.
Our travel plans have helped create new sustainable developments throughout the UK and reduce the transport impacts of existing developments such as hospitals and schools.

Rotherham Hospital, New Urgent & Emergency Care Centre
Services: Transport Assessment & Travel Plan
What is a Travel Plan?
A Travel Plan is a long term management strategy for an organisation or site that seeks to deliver sustainable transport objectives.
They are often required in support of planning applications for larger developments.
A Travel Plan submitted in support of a planning application will often be secured by way of either a planning condition or a legal agreement.
A Travel Plan submitted in support of a planning application will normally be based on the anticipated transport impacts of the development (as set out in a Transport Assessment) and will set measures to promote and encourage sustainable travel (e.g. walking, cycling and public transport) and reduce the overall demand for travel.
A Travel Plan prepared for an existing site or organisation will normally be based on the observed transport impacts of the site or organisation.
Travel Plans will generally:
identify specific outcomes, targets and measures
explain how the Travel Plan will be promoted/marketed
explain how they Travel Plan will be monitored
include an analysis, by mode of travel, of the existing (or forecast) transport characteristics of the site
include an accessibility analysis to establish how easily accessible the site is by different modes of travel (e.g. on foot, bicycle, public transport and by road)
include a car park management strategy
include measures to promote the uptake of sustainable modes of travel in preference to the private car
How much does a Travel Plan cost?
The cost of a Travel Plan varies depending upon the scope, and complexity, of the issues to be covered.
THaT Consultancy always aim to ensure that the scope of a Travel Plan prepared in support of a planning application is the minimum necessary to satisfy the local authority’s requirements.
Our fees for producing a Travel Plan in conjunction with a Transport Assessment start at £2000 plus VAT.
Our fees are agreed with the Client before we start work. We give realistic fee proposals at the onset and stick to them.

Sandringham School, St Albans
Services: School travel plan (Modeshift STARS)
How long does it take to prepare a Travel Plan?
A Travel Plan prepared in conjunction with a Transport Assessment for a planning application would normally be prepared in the same timeframe as the Transport Assessment itself. It typically takes 4-6 weeks from instruction for us to produce the high quality reports that get the results that our Clients want.
A freestanding Travel Plan for an existing site or organisation (e.g. hospital, school et cetera) can take several months to prepare depending upon the availability of data and the complexity of the issues to be taken into account.
Want to know more?
All our Clients, and their professional advisers, benefit from our personal, bespoke, service.
If you require expert transport, highways and traffic input on a project then please contact us to discuss how we can help you.